Station and Apparatus

Station and Apparatus Photos...

Albia Fire Station - 107 2nd Avenue West     

68-21    2005 Ford F-350    Rescue Truck


68-22   2006 Freightliner / Central States / Rosenbaur   Pumper-Tanker


68-25   1999 Freightliner / Central States / Rosenbaur   Pumper-Tanker


68-23   1974 International   1985 Snorkel-Pumper


68-26   1986 Chevrolet   Pumper-Tanker


68-24   2001 Chevrolet 3500   Quick Attack


Chariton Fire Departments 1883 Silsby Steam Fire Engine Old Betsy


AFD Rescue Boat


68-43 Monroe County Hospital Ambulance